ATS for Retail

Built for great recruitment teams like you

When it comes to hiring in retail, it is often highly competitive with an emphasis on speed of getting the best talent through your doors. This is where Applicant Tracking Systems for retail comes in to help.

With an ATS, retail recruitment teams can alleviate the long administrative tasks associated with recruitment, which typically eat into the productivity of managers’ daily to do lists. The time saved from an ATS is something we’ve extensively covered, but when we focus on the benefits of an ATS in the retail sector, what are the individual elements which can truly make recruitment/shop managers love recruitment?

Spend less time with frustrating admin tasks

Automation is a huge time saver in recruitment. With an ATS, you are able to remove the frustrating administrative tasks from your workload, as you can create intelligent triggers and automated sequences to take care of the ‘paperwork’ for you. Once you try it once, you won’t look back.

Need to request onboarding information from a candidate after a successful interview? No need for typing out emails. With a simple drag and drop, update a candidate’s funnel status, and the ATS can take care of any emails, SMS or any missing information requests.

Tired of chasing unresponsive candidates, or references? Create time-based triggers to automatically send out a chaser email to candidates or referees, giving you back lost time which was previously spent getting no results. Go one step further, and create a whole automated sequence, so you can request and receive references in just a click. Learn more here.  

They are just some of the clever ways ATS automation can save you time in your recruitment.

Want to know how much time do applicant tracking systems save? Explore more time saving here.

Reduce candidate drop-offs

You may have never considered it, but many candidates are frustrated with recruiter’s communication and believe there is a lack of response from them – with a recent CV Library study finding that around ⅔ share this view. This frustration increases the likelihood of candidates abandoning your job vacancy, and turning their attention elsewhere, which is ultimately hurting your advertising ROI and/or wasting your time.

An ATS can help your retail recruitment team to improve their communication and reduce candidate drop-offs, by adding quicker and greater communication and updates via email/SMS – all done via automation. By doing so, candidates mimic you in being active in the recruitment process, leading to you helping ensure the top candidates make it all the way through to fill your vacancies.

You can also quickly see your productivity stats from our ATS dashboard, as we can highlight key metrics such as time to process candidates, time to hire and more – allowing you to focus on closing the gap on your time to hire – and avoid leaving candidates waiting.

Candidates are customers, so stop damaging your brand

Why damage your reputation? Either through the previously mentioned lack of communication, retaining your branding with consistent email & form templates, or the dreaded rejection email, providing a bad experience for candidates can be costly.

Typically, your candidates are going to be customers, as they resonate with your brand and want to work with you. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are treating candidates like customers. With an ATS, you can be sure you’re managing the small details which can add up, because if ignored, will turn your fans into haters.

An ATS puts the tools in place for you to provide a quality candidate experience, and whether you hire them or not, you can be sure that candidates don’t feel ignored, frustrated, or turned away from your brand.

After all, for each bad interaction consumers have with a brand, they typically tell up to 15 people about the experience – and that counts for a bad recruitment process too.

You wouldn’t believe how not sending a simple (automated) rejection email can damage your brand.

Save time posting jobs with a beautiful career site

With Talent Funnel’s ATS, we can help you make a career site which converts, no matter how small or big you need.

Whether it’s a simple one-page career site, or one bursting with opportunities and insights into your business, we’re ready to help you upgrade your career site. 

And once you’re ready to start hiring on your shiny new ATS, even if we don’t make your career site for you (we won’t be offended, promise), create job listings in the ATS which automatically get posted to your career site.

Our fantastic Client Support Team will help with setting up your career site and ATS, so you’re up to speed nice and quickly. Less headaches. More productivity.

Stop wasting time with a slow workflow and utilise third-party integrations

We strongly believe best in class is, well, best.

That’s why Talent Funnel’s ATS integrates with a wide range of third-party recruitment platforms, from payroll, right-to-work checks to workforce management to let you use the top features and tools and make sure nothing slows you and your team down.

So whether you’re looking to try a new payroll provider, or want to continue using an existing partner, third-party integrations allow you to power through your workday and create a high efficiency workflow.

Not to mention, the incredible automated sequences you can create with a third party application.

Save heaps of time with job board integrations

Our ATS integrates with thousands of job boards, letting you reach more quality candidates in just a matter of seconds.

Whenever you post a job in the ATS, you can publish it to your choice of job boards with just a few clicks, saving you the time and hassle of posting to numerous job boards with their clunky user-interface. We don’t just think you’ll love it, we know you will.

Ditch the frustrating spreadsheets

Be sure you know how your recruitment is actually going.

No more spreadsheets. No more formulas. Our dedicated reporting tab gives you insights into your recruitment without the faff of interpreting data in spreadsheets.

Whether you want to measure your ROI for advertising spend or see which shop location has the best time-to-hire, access some top insights in clicks to make sure you have all the data you need to make the right decisions.

For those who want to still export data, we’ve got you covered. Export data into CSV files in seconds and delve deeper into the numbers.

No more wasting time on sluggish interview admin

Recruitment, especially interviews, takes time – there’s no denying that. 

Minimising that time is our mission.

We’ve created interview management tools in our ATS which emperors your retail manager to upgrade the way they interview.


  • Paperless interviews to keep everything centralised
  • Automated candidate email & SMS invites
  • Smart calendar booking to save you time matching up availability
  • Auto-reminders to prevent time wasting no-shows
  • Instant interviews to create a clear, audit trail

We let managers spend less time juggling recruiting admin tasks preparing, conducting and reviewing interviews, and more time on the shop floor.

Paperless applicant tracking system

And with all our ATS features, our interview notes let you take a leap to making your recruitment process paperless. Making searching for candidate records quicker and easier, and making sure your process is GDPR compliant.

Currently unable to track your refer-a-friend schemes?

If you need a hand expanding your workforce, our referrer tracking allows you to see a clear path and measure the effectiveness of your refer-a-friend programme.

Whether you reward your employees for it or not, we help make it easy to manage. Giving you one less admin task to worry about.


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