Picture of Indeed - Job Board

Indeed - Job Board

Reach more candidate for your job vacancies.

Make your jobs visible to a wider range of candidates

Save time posting jobs

Talent Funnel’s integration with Indeed give your recruitment team time back lost to manually posting jobs.

Our integration with the popular job boards lets you easily expand the reach and visibility of your roles, helping you to fill your vacancies quickly. Once you’ve posted your job in the ATS, simple click the Indeed toggle, and you’re done. No faff. No further steps. Straightforward. 

Indeed Integration features

The time saved is obvious. No copy and pasting, no digging around for the correct salary range. The list goes on.

Turn the Indeed job publishing on or off an any time during your recruitment drive, allowing you to ramp up to meet demand or slow down to give your recruitment team some creating space.

Access the data you need to see all from within the ATS. Compare the source of applications and hires alongside other job boards, allowing you to make accurate decisions on performance quickly and intuitively.

Ready to recruit with less time wasting admin tasks?

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Ready to recruit with less time wasting admin tasks?