Applicant Tracking System for Staffing Agencies

Built for great recruitment teams like you

Working in a staffing agency is mutli-dimensional. Whether you need to hire at pace, in high quantities, or focus on quality, you need an Applicant Tracking System which will keep up with you and your recruitment team.

Whether your staffing agency needs to hire quickly, in high quantities, or focus on quality, you need an Applicant Tracking System which empowers your team to maximise productivity – not pose as a roadblock in your recruitment process. That’s why it’s crucial to find the best applicant tracking system for staffing agencies, especially when you’re competing against fierce competition from local and national employers.

How can an Applicant Tracking System improve your staffing agencies recruitment process?

Save time with automation

Time is money, there’s no denying that, yet the administrative tasks associated with recruitment creates a process which is far longer and filled with more steps than it needs to be.

With Talent Funnel’s Applicant Tracking System, automation and intelligent triggers are leveraged to save you time which would otherwise be lost to such administrative tasks.

Whether it’s… 

  • Saving time typing emails.
  • Chasing unresponsive candidates for reference or onboarding information.
  • Sending out and managing interviews invites around your calendar.
  • Or recovering time lost digging around candidate records to prepare contracts.

Our Applicant Tracking system finds smart ways to remove unnecessary tasks from your workload, and utilises automation to take care of them for you. We let you focus on working to find great people, not working on administrative tasks.

How can Talent Funnel eliminate two main killers of time from your recruitment process?

Automated emails

Create unique sequences which trigger events and use email templates to save you time typing emails whilst creating a better candidate experience. 

What are some example sequences you can create?

  • Ready to invite a candidate to interview? Update a candidate’s funnel stage with just a click, and we’ll automatically send them an interview invitation with email and SMS.
  • Candidate taking a while to get back to you with reference details? Our ATS will send an auto-reminder after a set amount of time, meaning less time lost to chasing slow or unresponsive candidates.   
  • Need to reject a candidate? With a simple drag and drop, move the candidate to the rejection box and send an automated rejection email.

Need to do any of these actions in bulk? We’ve got that covered too. With bulk actions, simply highlight the relevant candidates, then apply an action to them all.  We then take care of automated emails, funnel stage updates, invitations and more.

Automated onboarding

So you’re ready to onboard your new hires. Yet there’s still lots to be done. 

With automation and third party integrations, seamlessly transfer candidate data between the ATS and HRIS, Payroll, Right-to-Work, Workforce Management systems and more – automatically – saving time copy and pasting and laborious data entry from slowing you down.

With just a drag and drop, automatically email, update or transfer onboarding information to get everything in place and where you need it.

Hire faster and win candidates

Recruitment is competitive, and often it’s a ‘fastest finger first’ game. So why put yourself at a disadvantage with systems and practices which do nothing to speed you up?

Talent Funnel’s ATS focuses on simplified, yet speedy processes to keep your staffing agency in pole position and keep your candidate pipeline flowing.

From time saving automation, an intuitive traffic light system to let you see a candidate’s stage status at a glance, hasty right-to-work checks, or pre-populated forms to save you digging for candidate details, we believe in finding smart ways to remove any unnecessary steps which slow you down.

Whether your recruitment has numerous assessment stages, or just the one interview, our Client Support Team can help you create a seamless workflow to turn candidates into hires as quickly as possible.

Reach more candidates with job board integrations

If you want to reach the greatest number of active job seekers, or jump out to talent in skilled/specialised industries, job board integrations let you find the right candidates for your roles – in seconds.

Talent Funnel’s ATS is integrated with a range of job boards, including Indeed, LinkedIn, TotalJobs, Employment 4 Students, Google for Jobs, and Vacancy Poster to allow you to access over 1,000 job boards. 

When you’re uploading a vacancy, with just a tick of a checkbox, upload your vacancy to your job board of choice. Straight from the ATS . No need to navigate through sluggish job board user-interfaces. Forget flicking between Chrome tabs. Just a nice and simple click.

So whether your staffing agency specialises in hospitality and needs students from Employment 4 Students, or specialise in fashion and need talented candidates from Fashion Jobs, effortlessly reach the candidates you need to fill your roles – without having to leave the applicant tracking system.

Manage your team with multiple accounts

We’ve built our ATS with flexibility in mind. If each member of your recruitment team manages different departments, regions or brands, you can rest easy knowing nothing will be mixed.

ATS accounts let you easily manage your teams, allowing you to manage permissions, track account performance and crucially keep candidates separate. 

And with security at the heart of everything we do, there’s no need for password sharing.

Higher candidate engagement with SMS

Prevent chasing candidates, or no-shows at interviews with SMS – a proven method to increase engagement in the recruitment process – sent straight from the ATS,

Email may be popular in the digital age, but as we all get bombarded with promotions and spam into our inbox, it’s easy for important emails to fall further and further down our unread email tab – and crucially out of view.

Linked with our automated emails and sequences, automatically send SMS’s alongside emails for important communication such as interview invitations, and be confident that nothing will go unread.

Time saving contracts

Chances are, being a staffing agency, you need an ATS which lets you process numerous different job roles – potentially even for different brands. Yet, even at the final hurdle there is still typically crucial time lost.

When the time comes to send out contracts, Talent Funnel’s ATS saves you time digging around for candidate and job information by automatically populating specified data fields.

Pre-fill information such as:

  • Job role
  • Job location
  • Salary
  • Candidate full name
  • Candidate address
  • Unique job/business clauses
  • And more

Have all the information you need at your fingertips, in seconds, and gain back time in your recruitment process. 

No more time lost to data entry. And less copy-and-pasting errors.

Simplified, time-saving interview management

There’s no denying interviews take time, but your interview prep and admin should not.

Interviews in the ATS focus on saving you time, to let you spend more time with candidates and less time at your keyboard.

We give you full control over your events and invites:

  • Create any type of event you need, from phone screens, video or face-to-face interviews.
  • Use template to automatically send out personalised invitations and confirmation emails, and let the ATS fill in candidate and job information.
  • Invite candidates to book into interviews, either specifying slots or show them what slots are available – we then automatically update your and candidate’s calendars.
  • Full auditing of events and who has spoken to each candidate.

Quicker turnaround time with instant interviews

We’ve mentioned speed being crucial for many staffing agencies, and our focus on that doesn’t stop here.

With instant interviews, create an interview audit trail for any unplanned interviews or have templates and answers at the ready in seconds.

So if a quick phone screen turns into an interview, or you need to get candidates processed before tomorrow, create a record of everything and let nothing slow you down.

Increase productivity & ROI with reporting

Whether you’re an in-house staffing agency, or external, stats are key – and so is your ROI.

Built-in reporting in the ATS lets you get a full overview of your recruitment, so you’re never left in the dark.

Via our dashboard or dedicated reporting tab, see important insights such as… 

  • How many candidates are in each stage
  • Average time to process candidates 
  • Average time to hire
  • New candidates per day
  • Most popular rejected reasons

And drill down even further with each insight available per user account, letting you track individual performance.

Referrer tracking

Gain a complete 360 degree understanding of your source of hires with referrer tracking, allowing you to see insights such as what your best referral channel is, or what job board has the worst candidate drop off.

Allowing you to test and measure your source of applicants and maximising your ROI.

Perfect for continuous recruiting

If your staffing agency focuses on continuous recruiting, our ATS has been set up to keep the candidates rolling in, saving your team from unnecessary job posting.

Set vacancies to never expire, or turn job board promotion on and off with just a click (including live jobs), and be sure that nothing is going to slow you down. Because who likes reposting jobs again, again, and again?

Increase reach tracked with refer-a-friend

Ever popular in industries such as hospitality, refer-a-friend programmes are a great and simple way to get more candidates through the door – at no extra cost.

Whether you offer referral incentives or not, provide candidates with tracked refer-a-friend links, so you can truly see the impact of word of mouth.

More successful job fairs with QR codes

Talent Funnel helps to make job fairs easy with QR codes generated for jobs, allowing job seekers to not only easily scan jobs which they can save and apply for later, but also allow you and your recruiters to track the performance – right in the ATS.